Doors open to teachers at Scala Contarini del Bovolo

On Sunday 19th November Doors open to teachers at Scala Contarini del Bovolo and to Viva Vivaldi The Four Seasons Mystery

Fondazione Venezia Servizi in collaboration with Emotional Experiences will open their mounental spaces for free to all school teachers of all levels for discovering Scala Contarini del Bovolo & “The Hidden Jewels of Venice”.

A true architectural jewel that blends together Renaissance, Gothic and Byzantine styles, Scala Contarini del Bovolo will open its doors free of charge to teachers with the possibility of visiting the Belvedere and the Tintoretto Room where the “Signs in Time” exhibition dedicated to Giorgio Morandi.

An initiative in favor of culture, “beauty” and knowledge that is transmitted from teacher to student; it is intended to be an invitation primarily to teachers to discover the most impressive and valuable spiral staircase in Venice, discovering at the same time all the other “Hidden Jewels of Venice” reopened to the public just over a year ago: the Oratory of Crociferi, an ancient 23rd century hospice made famous by the religious order that settled there and by the pictorial cycle that was commissioned from Jacopo Palma the Younger; the Ospedaletto Complex, an ancient hospital from the 1500s with the church of Santa Maria dei Derelitti by Longhena designed by Andrea Palladio and the eighteenth-century Sala della Musica. Recently introduced, the churches of Santa Maria delle Penitenti and della Visitazione” – Le Zitelle”.

On this day it will also be possible to live the sensorial and musical experience, created with the help of videomapping, sound technologies and olfactory effects proposed by Viva Vivaldi The Four Seasons Mystery installed this year at the Diocesan Museum of the city. The original spectacular artistic format, which through an audiovisual language rich in suggestions makes the visitor live an unforgettable experience discovering the author of The Four Seasons, the most performed concert in the world, “Viva Vivaldi The Four Seasons Mystery”,

“Vivaldi is an extraordinary and brilliant figure, he was a man steeped in spirituality, a great composer, a virtuoso violinist” underlines Giampiero Perri, CEO of Emotional Experiences who created the Viva Vivaldi – The Four Seasons Mystery project “but perhaps not all they know that he was also an extraordinary educator: a room in our exhibition also traces this aspect of his genius”.