Book launch “Il tempo delle Ciliegie”

We are glad to announce the book launch “il tempo delle Ciliegie” (litterally “The time of Cherries) by the author Gianlivio Fasciano, born in Molise, in Termoli, in 1974.
Thanks to the sport activities he bounced around Italy. He has arrived in Naples where he has lived for 20 years. Today he is a Labor Lawyer.

He wrote his first novel in 2014 titled “The Vine and the Sail”, receiving the honorary mention in the Alberoandronico Literary Prize (Rome, April 2015). With the story “Time? Yes thanks. Two teaspoons, abundant”, won the “City of Grottammare” prize (May 2015) presented in the form revisited by “Teatro in Scatola” in Rome.

The Time of the Cherries, edited by David and Matthaus Edizione, conquered the second place in the second edition of “A Book for Cinema” the literary prize, titled this year in honor of Paolo Villaggio, for those who have the ambition to make their own novel a great film, under the “Cinema & Libri” festival linked to “Cinema Island” in Rome.

“The time of the Cherries” opens with a letter wrote by main character to his father on the day of his death, remembering all the love he has joined them.
Rodolfo is thirteen, lives with her mother and only occasionally with her father. She is angry, confused, interrupted. He can not express himself, play like everyone else, go to school, or fall in love. And then. Then he try to understand what he does not. He begins to investigate, to run, to look for the reasons for his rage. You face up to discover, perhaps, the truths that have been hidden. Or perhaps the value of cherries.

Moderator Laura Friselle
Participate Dr. Luigi Polesel (President of Ire)
Interpretation Federica Zagatti